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P.IVA 03543100170
via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel.+39 02 26922890
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via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel.+39 02 26922890
TL150CO Configuration complète
This model includes every available accessory, for using the video inspection camera in any application, without limits. It is a combination of the other three models and is particularly interesting in terms of price, since it is… Voir plus.....
This model includes every available accessory, for using the video inspection camera in any application, without limits. It is a combination of the other three models and is particularly interesting in terms of price, since it is a lot less than the sum of the single components.
Standard Specifications
Alimentation : Adaptateur secteur externe 110/230V AC pour charge ou alimentation directe
Tension de sortie : 24V DC
Batterie Li-ion 14,8V DC 5Ah
Longueur maximale d’inspection (enrouleur) : 20m
Écran : LCD graphique FSTN
Image du moniteur : Couleur, 176x114 mm
Résolution du moniteur : 600 lignes, 7”
Image : Couleur
Résolution : 420 lignes, 1/3 CCD
Distance minimale de mise au point : 12 cm
Autonomie moyenne : 4 heures
Temps de charge : 6 heures
Fonctionnement : -10 à +50°C
Stockage : -20 à +55°C
Interface de sortie des données : PC USB / Carte SD
Indice de protection : IP68
Dimensions : 560mm x 410mm x 220mm
Poids : Environ 9,7 kg
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TL150CO Configuration complète
<p>This model includes every available accessory, for using the video inspection camera in any application, without limits. It is a combination of the other three models and is particularly interesting in terms of price, since it is a lot less than the sum of the single components.</p>
Inspection vidéo
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