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P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel.+39 030 3730218
GAMMA 652-O Rivelatore fughe di gas con allarme ottico-acustico e comando relè
I rivelatori di gas Metano e G.P.L. GAMMA 652-O avvisano, per mezzo di un segnale ottico ed acustico, la presenza di gas in ambiente. Essi sono progettati per funzionare da rivelatore gas con uscita relè. I rivelatori GAMMA 652-O sono tarati per rilevare una concentrazione di gas pari al 10% del L.I.E (limite inferiore di esplosività), tale soglia potrà variare in base alle condizioni ambientali ma non supererà durante i primi 4 anni di esercizio il 15% del L.I.E., dopo tale periodo l’apparecchio deve essere messo fuori servizio o spedito alla Geca Srl per una sostituzione completa del dispositivo.
The detectors GAMMA 652-O/M and GAMMA 652-O/G are gas detector of methane and LPG gas, that warns with an optical and acoustic signal, the presence of gas in the environment. They are planed to be functioning as detected gas with relay exit. The detectors serie GAMMA are calibrated to detect gas up to 10% of the L.E.L. (Low Explosion Limit), this threshold can change in base of the environmental conditions but it will not gets over during the first 4 years working, the 15% LEL, after that period the instrument have to be put out of order or re-send to Geca S.r.l. for a complete substitution of the device.
The detectors GAMMA 652-O/M and GAMMA 652-O/G are gas detector of methane and LPG gas, that warns with an optical and acoustic signal, the presence of gas in the environment. They are planed to be functioning as detected gas with relay exit. The detectors serie GAMMA are calibrated to detect gas up to 10% of the L.E.L. (Low Explosion Limit), this threshold can change in base of the environmental conditions but it will not gets over during the first 4 years working, the 15% LEL, after that period the instrument have to be put out of order or re-send to Geca S.r.l. for a complete substitution of the device.
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// Code example
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Lorem ipsum <strong>dolor</strong> sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
// Code example
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Lorem ipsum <strong>dolor</strong> sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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