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P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel.+39 030 3730218
Relay 850 Wi-Fi remote actuator for Yukon and Dalì
The Wireless actuator ( Relay 850) is a wall-mounting relay that can be connected with Yukon, Yukon Pro, Yukon Pro + and Dalì Chronothermostats. The function of this accessory is to activate air recirculation systems, fans, purifiers, room sanitizers; it can also be activated remotely according to the thresholds set by your Yukon Air Quality Monitor. It is possible to manage its operation by setting a weekly program through the App, directly on your smartphone..
The Wireless actuator is suitable for being connected to a ventilation system thus obtaining an automated air recirculation system.
Relè 850 instructions
YUKON App Download
Relay 850 Wi-Fi remote actuator for Yukon and Dalì
<p>The Wireless actuator ( Relay 850) is a wall-mounting relay that can be connected with Yukon, Yukon Pro, Yukon Pro + and Dalì Chronothermostats. The function of this accessory is to activate air recirculation systems, fans, purifiers, room sanitizers; it can also be activated remotely according to the thresholds set by your Yukon Air Quality Monitor. It is possible to manage its operation by setting a weekly program through the App, directly on your smartphone..</p>
<p>The Wireless actuator is suitable for being connected to a ventilation system thus obtaining an automated air recirculation system.</p>
Programmable Thermostats