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Via E.Fermi 98 - 25064
Gussago (Bs) - Italy

How to Arrive


  • Arriving on the motorway A4 Milano-Venezia take exit OSPITALETTO (BS).
  • After the tollgate of Ospitaletto take the ring road with direction: CONCESIO-VALCAMONICA.
  • Continue until the second exit with indication: BRESCIA.
  • Go ahead straight for approximately 3 Km following the direction : MANDOLOSSA.
  • At the traffic-lights (where you can notice on the left side the company METRA and on the right the MERCATONE UNO) continuing straight;
  • after 800 mt. turn left.

By airplane:

  • Landing place of airport Linate (or Malpensa) of Milano.
  • Follow the previous indications..

By train:

  • Come down to the station of Brescia.

Opening Hours

Mon/Fri - 8.00-12.00 / 13.00-17.00
Sat/Sun - CHIUSO

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