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BETA 762CO: maximum safety in case of gas leaks

13 October 2023

The protection of the domestic environment requires constant and reliable monitoring: the Beta 762CO carbon monoxide detector is Geca’s solution to control and avoid dangerous gas leaks in home systems. For over thirty years on the frontline of the system engineering and safety sector, Geca is a leading company in the production of thermostats and gas detectors and makes protection its mission, with instruments of maximum efficiency in reporting anomalies.

Beta 762CO uses an electrochemical cell sensor to ensure sensitivity and accuracy in air control and avoid false alarms. The sensor has a lifespan of over six years and is capable of operating regularly up to temperatures of 45 ºC and -10 ºC, providing accurate and continuous monitoring of maximum reliability.

An intuitive LED light notification system makes Beta 762CO alerts clear and immediate: as soon as the concentration of monoxide in the air exceeds one of the three preset action thresholds, the detector quickly indicates the presence of gas in the room with an optical warning and an acoustic signal.

The excellent performance is also confirmed by the added safety of self-monitoring: Beta 762CO is equipped with a self-analysis system that can immediately report any faults or anomalies, as well as an optical warning to indicate the need to replace the device at the end of the recommended period for the best protection guarantee.

BETA 762CO, whose battery has an estimated life of more than 6 years, is practical and proof of power supply blackout, also, just for the lack of need for a wiring to the network, can be placed anywhere.

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