Produced by:
via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel.+39 02 26922890
TS293 Industrial gas detector, with replaceable cartridge sensor ATEX certified for Zone 1
The gas detectors in explosion-proof housing for use in potentially explosive atmospheres are Certificated CESI 03 ATEX 323 X extension n. 2.11 (31/04/2011) updating to EN IEC 60079-0:2018 and EN60079-1:2014 standards and characterized by the
following Ex marking (Directive 2014/34/EU):
* Archievable for Flammable gases, Toxic and Oxygen
* Can be equipped with sensible element: Catalytic, Pellistor, Electrochemical, Infrared
* Available with: 4-20mA output
* Auto get zero drift
All models are equipped with:
* Replaceable cartridge sensor
* Pre-calibrated cartridges
* Automatic Zero in air simplified using “F1” and “F2” keys
* Automatic calibration simplified by “F1” ed “F2” keys
* Made with 3 microprocessors
* Polarized terminals
* Housing II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb
* Certification CESI 03 ATEX 323 X
Ex marking : II 2G Ex d IIC T6 Gb
No. 1 linear 4÷20 mA current output
Terminals plug-in type
Instructions TS293K for flammable gases - -catalytic
Instructions TS293E Electrochemical for toxic gases
Instructions TS293EO Electrochemical for oxygene
Instructions TS293IM TS293IG Infrared for flammable gases
Instructions TS293IC2 Infrared for CO2
Instructions TS293P for flammable gases - Pellistor
Instructions TS293PX for flammable gases - Pellistor
CESI ATEX Certificate for SE138 TS293
ATEX Safety instruction
Certificate CESI 04 ATEX 099Q Quality Assurance Notification TECNOCONTROL
TS293 Industrial gas detector, with replaceable cartridge sensor ATEX certified for Zone 1
<p>The gas detectors in explosion-proof housing for use in potentially explosive atmospheres are Certificated CESI 03 ATEX 323 X extension n. 2.11 (31/04/2011) updating to EN IEC 60079-0:2018 and EN60079-1:2014 standards and characterized by the<br />following Ex marking (Directive 2014/34/EU):</p>
<p>* Archievable for Flammable gases, Toxic and Oxygen<br />* Can be equipped with sensible element: Catalytic, Pellistor, Electrochemical, Infrared<br />* Available with: 4-20mA output<br />* Auto get zero drift</p>
<p>All models are equipped with:<br />* Replaceable cartridge sensor<br />* Pre-calibrated cartridges<br />* Automatic Zero in air simplified using “F1” and “F2” keys<br />* Automatic calibration simplified by “F1” ed “F2” keys<br />* Made with 3 microprocessors<br />* Polarized terminals<br />* Housing II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 Gb<br />* Certification CESI 03 ATEX 323 X</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Ex marking : II 2G Ex d IIC T6 Gb<br />No. 1 linear 4÷20 mA current output<br />Terminals plug-in type</p>
<p><img src="images/zoo/ts293-schema.jpg" alt="" width="50%" height="NaN" /></p>
Industrial gas detectors
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