Gas guage, capsule pressure gauges, bottom connection, gas-specific version, DN 63–80–100
<p>Pressure gauges for measuring low pressures (max. 600 mbar).<br />Particularly suitable for combustible gases (methane, propane and similar) or other non-corrosive to copper and tin alloys.</p>
<p><strong>Main fields of application<br /></strong>- domestic distribution systems and use of fuel gases<br />- tests to verify pressure supply and gas usage<br />- industrial and technical equipment</p>
<li>On the body of the pressure gauge 40 ÷ +70 °C</li>
<li>Of pressurized fl uid max 70 °C</li>
<li>Up to 3/4 of the full scale value for static pressures</li>
<li>Up to 2/3 of the full scale value for fl uctuating pressure</li>
<li>Up to the full scale value for short periods</li>
<li>Liquid or gaseous non corrosive to copper alloys, not highly viscous, not crystallising</li>
<li>Gauges not suitable for oxygen</li>
<h3>Construction features</h3>
<li>grey oven painted steel case</li>
<li>crystal clear methacrylate window</li>
<li>prepainted aluminium white dial</li>
<li>black graphics</li>
<li>aluminium indicator</li>
<li>brass coupling</li>
<li>sensitive system:membrane in beryllium copper and brass alloy clockwork mechanism (OT59)</li>
// Code example
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