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P.IVA 03131150173
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel.+39 030 310461
wet system valve assemblies CPF
CPF Industriale Srl is pleased to be the first manufacturer to introduce into the European market the first valve complete of trim alarm, entirely produced in Italy, certified CE 1922 in conformity with the UNI EN 12259-2 norm. The wet valves are used in the water fire extinguishing systems with water presence upstream and downstream. They mainly have two purposes: the first one is to allow the passage of the water in the event of break-up of one or more sprinklers, the second is the activation of an alarm that doesn’t depend from power supply. Additional alarm systems can be implemented by using pressure switches. Wet valves characteristic is the extreme simplicity to access to the clappet for the inspection and for the starting. With the system idle, the water in the distribution pipelines maintains the disc of alarm valve in closed position. With water’s spillage from one or more sprinklers, the pressure in the pipeline decrease . Therefore the pressure of the feeding water prevails and determines the automatic opening of the disc necessary to feed the working nozzles. Once the fluid flows, the valve signals the opening of the sprinklers operating a hydraulic bell. With the use of the delay room of the possibilities of false alarms due to the normal pressure variations in the hydraulic network are eliminated. The purpose is that to protect the building, the people and the content from the danger of fi re. It can cover up to 12.000 sqm. of surface in one fi re compartment only and it can be fed both by a system of water pumping and by the aqueduct network. C.P.F Industriale has decided to propose a preparation trim/ wet valve at variable pressure with test valves of alarm muting in view to allow the technicians to try the plant once installed getting the test and inspection certifi cation of the plant from the responsible persons.
- External screw/butterfly valve flat body shutter
- Wet alarm valve
- Complete test and alarm trim with accessories and manometers
- Delay chamber
- Water alarm pressure switch mod. PS10-1
- Alarm hydraulic bell
- Preassembly included
1 - Alarm hydraulic bell CE 12259 composed by a light antioxidant gong,Water fi lter.Inlet 3/4” female and 1”discharge outlet.
2 - Water alarm pressure switch with ½” connection
3 - C.P.F. AISI 303 stainless steel delay chamber complete of corrosion resistant fi lter certifi ed CE 1922 according to UNI-EN 12259-2 standard
4 - Complete preassembled Trim version “variable pressure” composed by galvanized malleable cast nipples, non return, muting and alarm tests valves. Discharge 2” main valve. Two pressure gauge are Supplied to visualize the upstream and downstream valve pressure.
5 - C.P.F. alarm wet valve with grooved connections. The same valve can be used both for systems with 4” (DN 100) pipes and 3” (DN 80) pipes using the joints and the reductions. Certifi ed CE 1922 according to UNI-EN 12259-2 standard.

1 - Corpo valvola e coperchio fuso in ghisa sferoidale
EN-GJS-400-18 UNI –EN 1563 verniciato
2 - Clapet in ST-CW617N che può essere facilmente manutenzionato e smontato
3 - Guarnizioni ed anelli toroidali in EPDM con durezza 80 shore
4 - Ghiera in TN-CW614N
5 - Perno in acciaio inossidabile AISI 304
6 - Molla in acciaio inossidabile AISI 304
7 - Viti in acciaio zincato
wet system valve assemblies CPF
<p>CPF Industriale Srl is pleased to be the first manufacturer to introduce into the European market the first valve complete of trim alarm, entirely produced in Italy, certified CE 1922 in conformity with the UNI EN 12259-2 norm. The wet valves are used in the water fire extinguishing systems with water presence upstream and downstream. They mainly have two purposes: the first one is to allow the passage of the water in the event of break-up of one or more sprinklers, the second is the activation of an alarm that doesn’t depend from power supply. Additional alarm systems can be implemented by using pressure switches. Wet valves characteristic is the extreme simplicity to access to the clappet for the inspection and for the starting. With the system idle, the water in the distribution pipelines maintains the disc of alarm valve in closed position. With water’s spillage from one or more sprinklers, the pressure in the pipeline decrease . Therefore the pressure of the feeding water prevails and determines the automatic opening of the disc necessary to feed the working nozzles. Once the fluid flows, the valve signals the opening of the sprinklers operating a hydraulic bell. With the use of the delay room of the possibilities of false alarms due to the normal pressure variations in the hydraulic network are eliminated. The purpose is that to protect the building, the people and the content from the danger of fi re. It can cover up to 12.000 sqm. of surface in one fi re compartment only and it can be fed both by a system of water pumping and by the aqueduct network. C.P.F Industriale has decided to propose a preparation trim/ wet valve at variable pressure with test valves of alarm muting in view to allow the technicians to try the plant once installed getting the test and inspection certifi cation of the plant from the responsible persons.</p>
<li>External screw/butterfly valve flat body shutter</li>
<li>Wet alarm valve</li>
<li>Complete test and alarm trim with accessories and manometers</li>
<li>Delay chamber</li>
<li>Water alarm pressure switch mod. PS10-1</li>
<li>Alarm hydraulic bell</li>
<li>Preassembly included</li>
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<p><img src="images/stories/schemaimpumido.jpg" alt="Schema Impianto Umido CPF" width="200" height="188" style="float: left;" /></p>
<p>1 - Alarm hydraulic bell CE 12259 composed by a light antioxidant gong,Water fi lter.Inlet 3/4” female and 1”discharge outlet.<br />2 - Water alarm pressure switch with ½” connection<br />3 - C.P.F. AISI 303 stainless steel delay chamber complete of corrosion resistant fi lter certifi ed CE 1922 according to UNI-EN 12259-2 standard<br />4 - Complete preassembled Trim version “variable pressure” composed by galvanized malleable cast nipples, non return, muting and alarm tests valves. Discharge 2” main valve. Two pressure gauge are Supplied to visualize the upstream and downstream valve pressure.<br />5 - C.P.F. alarm wet valve with grooved connections. The same valve can be used both for systems with 4” (DN 100) pipes and 3” (DN 80) pipes using the joints and the reductions. Certifi ed CE 1922 according to UNI-EN 12259-2 standard.</p>
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<div style="float: inherit;"><img src="images/stories/schema2impumido.jpg" alt="schema2impumido" width="200" height="130" style="float: left;" />
<p>1 - Corpo valvola e coperchio fuso in ghisa sferoidale<br />EN-GJS-400-18 UNI –EN 1563 verniciato<br />2 - Clapet in ST-CW617N che può essere facilmente manutenzionato e smontato<br />3 - Guarnizioni ed anelli toroidali in EPDM con durezza 80 shore<br />4 - Ghiera in TN-CW614N<br />5 - Perno in acciaio inossidabile AISI 304<br />6 - Molla in acciaio inossidabile AISI 304<br />7 - Viti in acciaio zincato</p>
Sprinklers Systems
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