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    AL100-AL101-AL102-BA100 Accessories for central CE100

    Modules range for the central unit “Town” is really complete. As accessories and extension the central “CE100” can by provided with: 230Vac/24Vcc power supply enables to power both the central unit “CE100” and “CE101” addition... See more...
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    power supply
    Guida DIN
    230Vac (-15% + 10%) 50 Hz (±10%)
    CE100 power supply
    Guida DIN
    230Vac (-15% + 10%) 50 Hz (±10%)
    Lead batteries charger
    Guida DIN
    230Vac (-15% + 10%) 50 Hz (±10%)
    Lithium batteries charger
    Guida DIN
    10,8 Vcc
    1,7 Ah
    Lithium battery

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