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TMA2 Astronomical time switches
TMA is a 2 channels digital time switch able to control the swiching on and off of two electrical loads, according to the sunrise and sunset. The geographic location can be choose selecting in the TMA software the city closest to… See more...
TMA is a 2 channels digital time switch able to control the swiching on and off of two electrical loads, according to the sunrise and sunset. The geographic location can be choose selecting in the TMA software the city closest to the place of installation.
Standard Specifications
Power supply: 12÷240Vca/cc 50÷60Hz
Programming: daily, weekly and astronomical
Max load incandescent lighting: 3000 W
Max load fluorescence lighting: 1200 VA
Max load low-voltage halogen lighting: 2000 VA
Max load halogen lighting (230V): 3000 W
Max number of possible events: 100
Reserve power: 7 years
2 DIN mouldings 2 channel output: 2 relay with switching contact 16(10)A
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TMA2 Astronomical time switches
<p>TMA is a 2 channels digital time switch able to control the swiching on and off of two electrical loads, according to the sunrise and sunset. The geographic location can be choose selecting in the TMA software the city closest to the place of installation.</p>
Hourly, twilight and timed switches
// Code example
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