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    via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
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    wet system valve assemblies CPF

    CPF Industriale Srl is pleased to be the first manufacturer to introduce into the European market the first valve complete of trim alarm, entirely produced in Italy, certified CE 1922 in conformity with the UNI EN 12259-2 norm.... See more...
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    Scanalata/Canelures/Threaded 3”
    senza valvola d’intercettazione/ without interception valve/ sans valve d' interception
    Scanalata/Canelures/Threaded 4”
    senza valvola d’intercettazione/ without interception valve/ sans valve d' interception
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 3”
    senza valvola d’intercettazione/ without interception valve/ sans valve d' interception
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 4”
    senza valvola d’intercettazione/ without interception valve/ sans valve d' interception
    Scanalata/Canelures/Threaded 3”
    con valvola a farfalla/ with butterfly valve / avec vanne papillon
    Scanalata/Canelures/Threaded 4”
    con valvola a farfalla/ with butterfly valve / avec vanne papillon
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 3”
    con valvola a farfalla/ with butterfly valve / avec vanne papillon
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 4”
    con valvola a farfalla/ with butterfly valve / avec vanne papillon
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 3”
    con saracinesca / with gate valve / complete avec vanne
    Flangiata/Flanged/A brides 4”
    con saracinesca / with gate valve / complete avec vanne

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